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In Our Eyes leadership: developing others/building teams

I had been staying with my mom for a month, nursing her 98-year-old body back to a relative state of health after a downturn.

I am not sure what really happened prior to me getting there, but I...

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How to *Be* a Coach: Lessons Learned from the Late Richard Levi leadership: managing yourself

Richard Levi had a powerful influence on me early in my coaching journey. He died recently and his passing is a loss to me and the entire coaching community he was a pillar of. These three stories...

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Seeing Beauty: A Balm for Uncertain Times. A Key to Survival. leadership: managing yourself

There is a well-known Zen story about a rather non-conventional response to impending doom.

A man traveling across a field encountered a tiger. He fled, the tiger after him. Coming to a precipice,...

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Beware the Tides of March: Inner Work Exercises to Make More Conscious Choices leadership: managing yourself

One of my favorite Warren Buffett quotes is "Only when the tide goes out do you discover who has been swimming naked."

It is of course a reference to investors who get over leveraged or are...

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The Enneagram is Dead. Long Live the Enneagram. leadership: managing yourself

his is the long version of this post complete with data, academic references, and disclaimers. The short version can be found here.

The Enneagram Personality Typing system is showing up more...

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Improving Leadership During Covid leadership: developing others/building teams leadership: managing yourself

When individuals, teams, and entire organizations lose their moorings, the need for focus and leadership is greater than ever.  This Covid-19 crisis is clearly one of those times.

So what can...

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Virtual Teams: Handling the Sudden Shift leadership: developing others/building teams

As the joke goes, it is not the fall that kills you.  It's the sudden stop.

Hundreds of thousands of virtual teams have formed, almost overnight.

From a team effectiveness standpoint, the key...

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Answering the Call of the "Generosity Gene": Helping Others Grow leadership: developing others/building teams

At some point in their careers, the good leaders discover inside themselves what Jack Welch calls a "generosity gene." When the traits of that continue the metaphor...manifest,...

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Revisioning Six Sigma's Legacy through the Lens of Culture culture leadership: delivering operational outcomes

Delivering the punchline before telling the joke is a terrible strategy for standup comedians. But as an approach to writing, it has its merits.

Here is the point of this article: Six Sigma was the...

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Letters to a Young...I/O Student first 100 days / career

Someone about to enter a Masters program in Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology recently contacted me asking for advice about what "top skills and high demand tools" he should focus on in...

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Teams: Coaching's Next Frontier and the Implications for Executive Coaches leadership: developing others/building teams leadership: managing yourself

Coaching continues to increase in popularity in corporations.  There are multiple reasons, but the bottom line is that there continues to be a big need for skill development for people in...

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An Important, but Underutilized Values-based Interview Question first 100 days / career leadership: managing yourself

Values-based interviewing suddenly seems all the rage.

The idea here is that you ask questions around important personal values that will contribute to success on the job or that are aligned with...

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