Adsum Insights Blog

Revisioning Six Sigma's Legacy through the Lens of Culture culture leadership: delivering operational outcomes

Delivering the punchline before telling the joke is a terrible strategy for standup comedians. But as an approach to writing, it has its merits.

Here is the point of this article: Six Sigma was the...

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Letters to a Young...I/O Student first 100 days / career

Someone about to enter a Masters program in Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology recently contacted me asking for advice about what "top skills and high demand tools" he should focus on in...

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Teams: Coaching's Next Frontier and the Implications for Executive Coaches leadership: developing others/building teams leadership: managing yourself

Coaching continues to increase in popularity in corporations.  There are multiple reasons, but the bottom line is that there continues to be a big need for skill development for people in...

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An Important, but Underutilized Values-based Interview Question first 100 days / career leadership: managing yourself

Values-based interviewing suddenly seems all the rage.

The idea here is that you ask questions around important personal values that will contribute to success on the job or that are aligned with...

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The New Leader: Writer and Written leadership: managing yourself

A very successful coaching way-station is when your client clearly sees that they are co-creating the world they are living in.  "By Me" in Michael Beckwith's Model of the Four Stages of...

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First 100 Days: Initial Meetings with Your Staff first 100 days / career leadership: developing others/building teams

Your first day in a new leadership postion is often filled with activities you might not get much say about. There is usually a benefits sign up with HR and a company orientation meeting. Your boss...

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Adsum Insights First 100 Days Program Featured on Real Leaders Podcast first 100 days / career

Few companies and individuals have a game plan for the First 100 Days on a job and the personal and organizational costs can be enormous. 

I was recently interviewed by Sue Heilbronner...

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Walking the Talk on Teamwork: No One Conditions Alone leadership: developing others/building teams

A few years ago, I served as the Strength & Conditioning coach for a youth travel hockey team. To prepare, I reached out to some experts to get some guidance on working with a group of teenaged...

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A Rejoinder to HBR's Recent Blog on Starting a New Job and the Role of Culture culture first 100 days / career

The Harvard Business Review published a blog post with some advice about what to do in your First 100 Days. The blog was entitled When you Start a New Job, Pay Attention to These 5 Aspects of...

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Did We Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater on Rank & Yank? managing call centers

Don't worry. This post is not a recommendation to bring back Rank & Yank carte blanche.

I am really excited about the paper my colleagues and I just published in the Journal of Consulting...

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First 100 Days: The Critical Role a Personal BOD Plays first 100 days / career

A lot has been written recently about having a personal Board of Directors (BOD). It's certainly true that having a group of trusted people you can turn to for counsel is never a bad idea.


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Perks and Popularity Aren't Culture culture leadership: delivering operational outcomes

The New Yorker recently had an article about corporate culture:

One of the key points of the article...

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