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Unconscious Paradigms Worth Examining: Conclusion first 100 days / career leadership: managing yourself

You see a big opportunity, a new level you aspire to play at.

They say what got you here won't get you there. 

Leaders I know who have made the leap describe it as requiring a new way of...

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Unconscious Paradigms #4: Meaning first 100 days / career leadership: managing yourself

This is the fourth article in a series about the inner paradigms that shape how we...see, navigate, make sense of, and carve success in the world. 

If it's true that "what got you here, won't...

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Unconscious Paradigms Worth Examining #3: The Web of Causation first 100 days / career leadership: managing yourself

This is the third article in a series about the inner paradigms that shape how we...see, navigate, make sense of, and carve our the world. 

If it's true that "what got you here,...

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Three Paradigms to Examine (Part 2): Your Winning Strategy first 100 days / career leadership: developing others/building teams

This is the second in a series of articles about the inner paradigms that shape how we...see, navigate, make sense of, and carve our the world. 

If "what got you here, won't get...

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Three Paradigms Worth Holding Up to the Light first 100 days / career leadership: managing yourself

A popular coaching trope is "What got you here won't get you there." 

If true, it begs two questions.  Here is the first: what must I change? 

The famed coach Marshall Goldsmith...

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What Footprints Are you Following? first 100 days / career

Generic onboarding templates, assessments, and best practices are very helpful.  They are certainly better than not having any kind of structure, and they can give you a real leg up.


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Friends Don't Let Friends...Start Jobs Unprepared first 100 days / career

In a recent post, I shared source data on the high failure rate for executives starting new jobs.

Organizations bear some of the responsibility for their struggling new hires.  Egon Zehnder...

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Three Source Articles on Executive New Hire Failure Rates first 100 days / career

Many have heard that the 18 month "failure" rate for new hires, including executives is nearly 50%. 

But someone on LinkedIn, apparently unfamiliar with Google, challenged me with one of those...

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The Dangers of Driving Change without Understanding Existing Traditions first 100 days / career leadership: delivering operational outcomes

Someone who is familiar with my First Hundred Days program sent me this HBR executive transition case study. The leader who was coming on board was told by her boss to “do whatever...

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The Tiger and the Strawberry Revisited: The Rapture of Being Alive leadership: managing yourself

It seems hard to believe, but one of the best selling Zen books for all time, Zen Mind, Beginners Mind, was published over 50 years ago.  

There is a chapter on Excitement, where Suzuki...

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Mental Models and The Elements of Effective Teamwork leadership: developing others/building teams

The last few Using the Tools Beyond the First 100 Days emails/posts have been focused on my Building a High Performance Team roadmap, outlined again here:

  1. Start with the Blank Piece of...
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