Accelerating Employee Development

Helping Leaders Understand and Improve the Critical Role They Play in Development.

All companies want employee development. Employees that are developing are
happier, more engaged, and less likely to leave. Employees that are learning and
developing are also more productive.

And while companies want it, few are probably happy with the progress they are

Make no mistake, employees are responsible for their own development. They choose to stretch themselves. They choose to put in extra reps to learn something new. They choose to reflect on their mistakes and grow.  Or they don't.

Equally as clear is that organizations play a role in the development process.

There are many vectors that need to align to accelerate employee development. It helps if the company is dynamic and growing. It helps if there is an investment in learning and development. These are helpful, but they aren’t the essential ingredient.

The most critical variable in the equation is the environment created by the manager. But
few know how.  If you ask managers how to create an environment that
supports and accelerates development, they either won’t have an answer or the
answers of each leader will be wildly divergent.

This training program helps leaders zero in on a model they can use to accelerate
employee development. They will learn:

  • Role clarification…What the Employee’s role and what’s the Leader’s
  • How clarifying Good-Better-Best for each job accelerates development
  • Creating on-the-job Learning Dojos
  • The value of Your Truth vs. Capital-T truth
  • How to follow-up performance and career discussions to build momentum
  • Learning to let the job do the heavy lifting around development
  • The lens of Delegation and what it reveals
  • How the leader’s “generosity” is the key to vitalizing the development

This is not a theoretical class. Leaders develop action plans and steps they can
leverage with members of their own teams. They share insights with each other to test and strengthen their ideas before testing them live.

Leaders walk into this workshop not clear on what they need to do to accelerate
development. They walk out with a clear model and next step actions that will
immediately benefit their employees.

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