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"The Facilitator" is Not HR. It's Not Even a Single Person. It's a Role. culture leadership: managing yourself the "me" in meetings

Meetings are often more effective when there is a skilled facilitator present to keep things on track, holdup the mirror, create a safe space, etc.

Unfortunately, few meetings have one.

Many have a...

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Face It: You Don't Care Whether Your Meetings are Effective or Not the "me" in meetings

A bit presumptuous, but I'll back it up.

I previously posted an article on the "system" problem locking lousy meetings in place.

One set of "players" in that system are the meeting organizers....

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Lousy Meetings are a "System" Problem leadership: delivering operational outcomes the "me" in meetings

Many of the meetings the people in your company are in are laughably inefficient and ineffective.

The good news, if there is any, is that this article has nothing to do with meeting best practices....

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The Common Denominator Across All the Waste-of-Time Meetings You're In? You. the "me" in meetings

The common root cause across all those lousy meetings you find yourself in is not...the lack of a stated meeting purpose.

It is not the lack of an agenda.

It is not that the right...

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